Animated presentation for Community Health Ventures, used as a television commercial spot and trade show video display piece. After Effects/Photoshop.
A piece based off of a tutorial, but it still took some good work to piece together and this particular effect is pretty impactful so I decided to include it here.
A promotional video piece for musical group Bop Alloy’s self titled debut album. Shot with Sony XDCAM EX PMW-EX1 with time lapse settings, further editing/time remapping with After Effects and Final Cut Pro.
Awarded ‘Outstanding Performance’ recognition from ITT Exelis Chief Communications Officer for work on company spin-off branding.
Rebrand of major social media platforms for Exelis HQ, including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn.
You brand is your identity, and it’s often times the first touch point a potential client or customer has with your company. My goal is to reach the target audience with visual impact as to how it relates to that relationship. Illustrator/Photoshop.
Poster redesign for internal DRS Technical Services marketing and communications team. Produced with Photoshop and QuarkXPress.
iPhone application design for The Wine Cabinet based in Reston, VA. Displayed here are a few various screen shots of the app, along with splash page and app icon.
Creator and owner of Exelis Corporate Capabilities Briefing. Design, manage, upkeep and control the latest version of deck for distribution across multiple internal and external platforms.
Marketing collateral for Chenega Logistics, a subsidiary of Chenega Corporation, the third largest Alaska Native Corporation (ANC) in Alaska. Working here with Photoshop and InDesign.